Guatemala Human Rights Commission/ USA
Emergency Delegation Guatemala 2018
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Emergency Delegation Guatemala 2018

Show support for CCDA and CODECA

Defenders Killed, Volcano Eruption Aftermath


Eight members and leaders of the two campesino organizations have been killed in slightly over a month,

while both have been significantly impacted by the Fuego volcano eruption


When: July 12 to 17

CCDA and CODECA, two indigenous campesino organizations that have consistently used their voice to denounce aggression against rural communities by the state and the companies it protects, have been under attack. Four members of the CCDA from Alta Verapaz have been killed since March while four members of CODECA have also been killed this year. There appears to have been no investigation into the murders nor resolution to the ongoing land conflicts that rural communities are facing. In addition to the violence and terror these courageous organizations confront, they are also supporting organized communities that are suffering consequences of the Fuego volcano eruption on the South Coast, the area that is the historic center of community organizing.


Join GHRC in a six-day emergency delegation to Guatemala to show solidarity and support for the CCDA and CODECA, while better understanding the root causes of the violence they are facing and the medium and long-term challenges communities face recovering from Fuegos eruption. The delegation will also meet with national and international human rights organizations, members of Congress and embassies.


Cost will be determined depending on the number of delegates and travel plans which covers modest lodging, food, transportation and translation in-country but should be in the range of $500 to $600. Participants are responsible for buying their flights and extended health insurance for travel to Guatemala.


Please send an email to express an interest in participating by June 23. Later submissions will be considered as space allows. and/or