Genocide Trial: How to be part of this historic process
Genocide Trial: How to be part of this historic process
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Genocide Trial: How to be part of this historic process

On March 19, 2013, the Genocide trial began in Guatemala. Efraín Ríos Montt, along with his head of military intelligence, José Mauricio Rodríguez Sánchez, are accused of ordering operations in the Ixil triangle which included the slaughter of 1,771 Guatemalans displacing 29,000 and 1,485 acts of sexual violence.

 How to stay informed about the trial

The Genocide trial will be streaming online here.

There will also be daily updates, commentary and news in both English and Spanish including

  • This blog will include daily updates in English and Spanish from international trial observers, as well as commentary and other analysis throughout the trial. It is a joint project of Open Society Justice Initiative, the National Security Archives, and the International Center for Transitional Justice and CEJIL.
  • Plaza Pública, a Guatemalan news outlet, will provide in-depth articles and analysis as the trial unfolds.
  • We will post frequent updates, articles, analysis and photos on your facebook page.
  • Twitter @GHRCUSA #GenocidioGT

How you can support this historic process

1) Make a donation to GHRC to support our work for truth, justice and historical memory in Guatemala.

2) You can send an email to the US Ambassador to Guatemala asking him to attend the trial here.

3) You can ask your friends and family to do the same, and at the same time educate them about why this trial is so important in Guatemala.

4) Help us keep international attention on the proceedings. Write a letter to the editor, repost articles on our facebook page, tweet about the trial. Whatever social media you use, get the word out.

Learn more about the case here.

(Photo: Jhonathan F. Gómez)